Take Action! at the National Level

Be active on national issues impacting equity for women and girls

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AAUW Action Fund Congressional Voting Record

AAUW Public Policy Priorities

Be Part of the Equity Network  – An inclusive learning community with a single goal: Equity for all.

Ways to Take Action!

  • Contact your congressional members using the following links: House.gov and Senate.gov

  • Call Your US Elected Officials using 5Calls App

AAUW members wanting an EASY way to contact their U.S. Senators and Representatives can use www.5calls.org . 5 Calls Civic Action is a non-profit that helps the public make their voices heard on numerous critical issues. Here’s how:

  1. Go to 5calls.org. Set your location. This step brings up photos, names, and phone numbers (D.C. and local) of your U.S. Senators and Representatives.
  2. Click on an issue from the list displayed on the left. The system displays a summary of the issue and where the issue currently stands in Congress.
  3. Dial the phone number of the elected official displayed below the summary. (If you do not want to contact that person, click the blue SKIP button to go to the next official in the list.)
  4. When the call is answered, speak to the person or leave a voicemail. A brief script is provided by 5 Calls. You may read the script verbatim, or customize it. If you leave voicemail, provide your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.
  5. When finished, click the blue button that represents the result of your call (Unavailable, Voicemail, Contact, or Skip). The system now displays the phone number for the next elected official. Continue until you have finished all your contacts.

That’s all there is to it!  Research has shown that elected officials pay attention to phone tallies on issues.  As the 5Calls website explains, congresspeople use call tallies and personal stories from constituents to support their positions when talking to colleagues.  Congresspeople get regular call tally reports, letting them know how strongly their constituents feel about an issue.

You can also sign up to receive email updates from 5 Calls Civic Action.  They also have an app you can download on your mobile phone.