The purpose of the Leadership Fund is to encourage first time branch leaders to attend the AAUW of Colorado Fall Leadership Conference (FLC). The Leadership Fund would cover the cost of registration and meals for the awardees. These awardees would come from different branches, and the number of awardees would be based on the budget and the cost of FLC.

For 2019 FLC, from left to right, Hayden Pigott (Littleton-South Metro), Hali Neves (Fort Collins), Janet Knox (Colorado Springs), and Nancy Dean (Gunnison) were awarded $100 for their costs.
Application and guidelines are shown below:
- Branches or individuals may apply for the fund.
- Applicants must be 1st time branch officers (Elected or Appointed).
- Not held branch office for the last 5 years.
- Not attended FLC for the last 5 years.
- AAUW CO will cover the registration cost of the FLC and meals, however, the attendees will need to pay their registration up front and be reimbursed at the conference.
- There will only be one fund given to a branch per year.
- Members are only eligible for one-time award.
- The Interbranch Council (IBC) will select the fund recipients and keep applicant records.
- The selection will be made by the IBC via teleconference between July 1-15
- Awardees will be notified individually by July 20th
- Deadline for submission: June 30
- Questions: Contact IBC Chair at