Littleton-South Metro Branch
Littleton-South Metro Branch has partnered with Littleton High School (LHS) for five years providing support and scholarships to young girls in the STEM Certification Program. In 2015, the branch branch sponsored Temple Grandin’s appearance at LHS, bringing visibility to women and girls in STEM and AAUW. Since 2006, the branch has been working with the Sheridan Early Childhood Center (ECC) to provide book bags for preschoolers. Children who attend the ECC are from low-income families that often have limited access to appropriate literature in their homes. This project is an attempt to rotate a library of books through these homes for children and their parents to enjoy together.

Littleton-South Metro Branch members support the Book Bag program on a weekly basis during the school year.

Littleton-South Metro President, Jill Smith, presents check for $2,000 to Littleton High School President, Dr. Amy Oaks.
Longmont Branch
The Longmont Branch offers both scholarships and grants in support of their community. Since 1993, the Branch has given over 80 Community Action Grants totaling $57,250. These grants are given to local projects that help break down barriers among people of all ages, ethnic origins and gender. Since 1952, the branch had awarded $61,805 in scholarships to encourage women to purse higher education in order to increase their ability to have a positive impact in their field and community, including women returning to school to update their knowledge or skills.

Three scholarships, totaling $3,930, were awarded win 2018. One recipient Sydney Blackburn, a student at the University of Norther Colorado, received the Sally Fenton Scholarship for $1,430. This scholarship is named after a long-time branch member.

In 2018, Longmont Branch awarded $3,250 in Community Action Grants, one to El Comité in support of Self-sufficiency through Education.”
Boulder Branch