To leave a comment:
- Click “comments” at the end of any post.
- A new page opens.
- Enter your name/nickname and email address.
- Type your comment in the designated box.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the appropriate images to complete our anti-spam challenge. You’ll do this by hovering over an image and clicking on it if the photo shows a cat. This prevents our blog from receiving automated spam comments.
- When you are satisfied, click “Post Comment.”
To publish a post on AAUW Colorado’s blog:
- You must first request a username and password. Click this link to create your account.
- We will send your login information via email as soon as possible.
- After you receive this information, scroll to the bottom of AAUW Colorado’s website and click the teal text that says Log In.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click the Posts tab on the left side of your screen.
- Click the Add New button.
- Fill in the blanks for your post’s title and content.
- As needed, select a Category on the right side of your screen. This helps you organize your post and lets other readers search for particular topics of interest (ex: Fundraising, Public Policy, etc.).
- When you are ready, click the blue Publish button on the right side of your screen.
Hope the demo goes well.